Wednesday 9 September 2015

Southbound - Cloncurry to Longreach

Left Wal's Camp early, breakfast in town, then to Cloncurry Unearthed, the Information Centre. Gail is very pleased to relieve us of our last 7 books, so we are now Sold Out. Fill up and head south east to Winton, where we lunch, then on to Longreach, arriving just to late to go to the Australian Stockmans Hall of Fame.
Not a lot of interest in the 500+km drive - lots of road trains, and the roadkill here is grey kangaroos, not red. It is grazing country, dry and mostly featureless, apart from one large sandhill. Winton is a nice town and we enjoyed our lunch there. Their Waltzing Matilda Museum burned down recently, which is sad.
In Longreach we are having a luxury night at the Albert Park Motor Lodge (where else could we stay?). Peter is still selling the book, but when he got the people in the next room interested all we could give them was an order form. Should have brought the ninth box!

1 comment:

  1. enjoying the story very much. Thanks Helen and Peter.
