Monday 31 August 2015

Broken Hill to Olive Downs (Camping Area, Sturt National Park)

We enjoy a lie in and a leisurely self-serve breakfast at the Imperial, where we sell a copy of the book to fellow travellers we meet in the kitchen. We do some shopping (folding spade) before heading to the Visitor Information Centre. After a longish discussion they decide they would like to stock the book, but would rather order direct from CSIRO. We refuel us (coffee) and the truck (diesel) and leave at 11:45.
We stop in Packsaddle for a burger lunch, sell two more copies of the book, one to fellow travellers, one to the lady in the roadhouse. We are there long enough to flatten our battery because we left the lights on, but a nice bloke jump starts us, and we drive on to Tibooburra, where we plan to deliver some new stock the Corner Country Store and stay the night in the tiny motel they run. Sadly, they are closed due to illness, so we can do neither. We refuel, buy jumper leads, and head further north, reaching the Olive Downs camping area in the Sturt National Park just on sunset. Two other campers, but plenty of room for us. It is a clear night, and the stars are wonderful in the couple of hours before moonrise. Even though the clear sky means the night is very chilly, we are snug under our doona in the slide out upper bed of the truck.

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